No Butter, No Oil, No Problem!

English Muffin Bread Recipe

Need a bread recipe that doesn’t call for any butter, oil, or fats of any kind?  I’ve got ya covered!  Don’t let bare store shelves get you down.  You can make this bread without any fats.  It can be made with white flour, whole wheat flour, or half and half!  It turns out so yummy, with a chewy texture like English Muffins.  I use my Bosche mixer to make 5 loaves at a time. My mother-in-law shared this recipe with me years ago, and I use it often…thanks Pattee! We love it, hope you do to!

English Muffin Bread

(makes 5 loaves)

8 c warm water

3 T yeast

½ c sugar

13-15 c flour (white, whole wheat, or a mixture of the two)

Prepare 5 bread pans.  In my opinion, parchment paper lining works the best for the bread pans, but you can also use cooking spray.  In the bowl of mixer, add 8 c warm water, 3 T yeast, and ½ c sugar.  Mix together and let sit for a minute or two. Turn the mixer back on and, while it is mixing, add 10 c of flour and then 3 T salt.  Add 3-5 cups more flour, until the dough pulls together.  It will be sticky.  It may try to escape out of the top of your mixer!  Just push it back in.  It will feel too sticky to work with.  Mix it for 10 minutes.  Spoon the sticky dough into 5 prepared loaf pans and try to spread it out as best you can.  Let the dough rise until it reaches the top of the pans.  Turn the oven to 350 degrees.  Put the loaves in the oven when it is nearly to temperature.  Cook for 30-35 minutes, until the tops are hard and brown.  If you prefer, you can rotate your baking loaves so that they cook evenly.  I do five 8-minute bakes, rotating the pans in a clockwise manner between each 8 minute interval.