
Cocoa at about 10 months old.

Meet my dog Cocoa. She is a 5 year old Australian Labradoodle. She loves nothing more than running around in the yard playing with the kids. Except me…she loves me more. But, I’ll get to that later.

When Cocoa gets really excited, she tears around the yard with her back legs out-performing her front legs until she ends up doing a tucked-butt sprint. So funny to watch! She is literally the fastest dog I have ever known. She has a slender build and long legs that serve her well as she streaks in a blur from one side of the yard to the other. When she loses her breath, she stops for a moment in some corner of the yard and digs furiously. I’m not sure what she thinks she is digging for, but she always seems to find the dirtiest corner and manages to kick up so much dust that she looks like the Tasmanian Devil in a fury.

In these pictures, Cocoa decided to pull her Tasmanian Devil digging stunt in a muddy swamp while we were hiking in Wyoming. What a muddy mess!
She looks like a wet rat! LOL.

Like I said before, as much as Cocoa loves playing in the yard with the kids, she loves me more. She loves me more than engaging in her fast paced, dusty, dirty, fun-filled favorite pastime. During treatments for cancer, I spent most of an entire year in bed. This curly haired critter spent every moment at my side. From my bed, I could hear Jared out in the yard with the kids. The sounds of laughter and play carried through the air on the rays of sun that peaked through my closed curtain. Still, this fun-loving pup stayed glued next to me in the darkness. She loves me. She 24/7, in the darkness with me crying , vomiting, sleeping, loves me. Y’all, that there is breathtaking.

Just sitting there being curly.
On this day, she and Grayson wore themselves out in the yard and then crashed on the couch.

I have a lot to learn about loyalty, patience, sweetness, comfort and love from my dog. I guess sometimes life’s lessons come from unexpected sources.

Hanging out in the motorhome on our mid-chemo trip to Mexico. Her paws are elegantly draped over the hole she ripped in the couch upholstery. Nobody’s perfect!